App A/B testing

Safely deliver, configure and optimize every feature

Configure flexibly 

Run experiments in any part of your app. Easily configure networking, logging, exception handling and integrations to meet your production needs.​

Focus on performance

Our open-source SDKs make no network requests and enable instant updates to your app without App Store or Google Play reviews.

Launch with confidence

Feature flags, traffic allocation and remotely configurable variables enable you to test new features and quickly modify ones that don’t work.

Product teams drive mobile engagement 

Find out how Zumper mitigates risk when launching new features and an experiment that increased messages sent through their mobile app by 10%.​

Ready to take your digital experiences to the next level?

Optimizely is trusted by over 9,000 leading companies for digital experiences, content management, experimentation and commerce.

Trusted by 9,000+ businesses and millions of happy customers