About Optimizely

We help people unlock their digital potential

Our leading digital experience platform (DXP) empowers teams with the tools and insights they need to create and optimize in new and novel ways. With Optimizely, you can operate with data-driven confidence to create hyper-personalized experiences. Our content, commerce, intelligence and experimentation capabilities make even the most complex scenarios simple. Optimizely has more than 900 partners around the globe.

Open positions at Optimizely

At Optimizely you find the attractive mix of start-up atmosphere and corporate commitment. With 20 locations and cross-functional teams all around the globe, we live and breathe the one-company spirit every day, both globally and locally, digitally and offline.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Diversity is understanding, accepting and valuing differences between people including those of different races, ethnicities, genders, ages, religions, disabilities, and sexual orientations, WITH differences in education, personalities, skill sets, experiences, socio-economic and knowledge bases.

Meet our leadership team

We're Optimizely, nice to meet you.

Using the industry’s leading digital experience platform means your team gets to spend more time doing what they love. We believe in taking out the guesswork so brands can deliver relevant experiences driven by data and create a culture that drives value.


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